Perks of Being a Modern Nurse

Perks of Being a Modern NurseNurses in previous generations had it tough, from near nonexistent career advancement opportunities, thankless coworkers and patients, poor sanitation techniques, and zero ability to work on-the-go. If you’re a modern nurse, count your blessings! Here are the top perks modern nurses experience now.


Nurses in generations past often had to choose a hospital to work in, apply, and then stay there for their entire 30+ year careers. Now, that scenario is basically unheard of because nurses often switch hospitals within the same city, state, or even across the country. Our society is a lot more mobile in general than in previous generations, which means more exciting, new opportunities for nurses throughout the country.

Career Advancement

If you became a nurse in the 1920s, 50s, or even 80s, you were expected the stay in the same role until you eventually retired. Today’s nurses have lots more opportunities for advancement, taking on more responsibilities and supervisor roles as they become more experienced.

Respect and Appreciation

The nursing field has always been one of the most challenging, demanding, and fulfilling fields of work, but nurses haven’t always received the appreciation they deserve. Yes, nurses could be thanked more and given more compensation for their efforts, but now nurses opinions are almost always requested, most patients constantly say “thank you” for their services, and there’s much more of a team-oriented relationship between doctors and nurses than before. In the baby boomer generation and before, nurses would often be brushed aside by doctors, thinking the nurses’ work was unimportant, but today the majority of doctors, patients, and visitors recognize the grueling effort it takes to care for patients’ every need day-in and day-out.

Healthy Nurse = Happy Nurse

When working at a hospital or medical office, nurses are exposed to a lot more germs that they normally would be. But because of modern sanitation techniques, they don’t have to worry as much about contracting serious diseases just because of their occupation. The health of nurses and all medical staff is tremendously important, so hand-washing, wearing gloves and other protective clothing, and using hand sanitizer are absolute nursing musts.

Work from Home Opportunities

Thanks to technology, nurses don’t necessarily have to do regular shift work to further their careers and boost healthy outcomes for patients. Organizations like HEDIS hire well-qualified nurses to collect, synthesize, analyze, and report on massive amounts of data from hospitals and other medical offices throughout the US. Nurses may choose their own schedules and areas of expertise, so the workload is never too demanding or tedious, and applying to join the HEDIS team is free. Contact HEDIS at (877) 328-2343 or for more information.