Study Shows That Nurses Are Again in Hot Commodity

Study Shows That Nurses Are Again in Hot Commodity

Do you remember a time where nurses were struggling to find jobs? More nurses were coming out of nursing school than there were jobs. That meant coming out of several years of college and nursing school with massive student loan debt and no major job prospects.

With a financial crisis in 2008, the markets crashed, which caused older nurses to cling to their jobs in order to build saving and retirement accounts back up. By delaying retirement, many jobs weren’t opening up as predicted. This was bad news for those younger nurses looking to break into the fifth largest occupation in the country.

Fortunately, the new outlook for nurses entering the job market is beginning to look much better than it once did. As the economy improves, older nurses are finally retiring. Combined with the Affordable Care Act increasing demand for nurses as well, there are shortages across the country.

With retirements and regional shortages throughout the nation, the job market for nurses is really heating up. This is great news for nurses, who in return see wages growing and more substantial sign-on bonuses than before. In 2013, only .5% of nursing jobs offered sign-on bonus. Nationwide, this number has grown to 2.5% of jobs in 2016. Overall numbers remain flat in terms of hiring and salaries, but certain regional pockets have become major hot spots, with increasing demand and growing wages. These areas range from New England and the West Coast, to Pennsylvania, New York, Florida and even Nebraska.

Now is a great time to get into nursing, as the growing demand is not expected to be met. Incoming nurses will be able to offset the wave of retirements that are happening, but increasing overall demand means there will still be a shortfall.

HEDIS Nurses is Hiring Too!

After going through years of nursing school, landing a job is your top priority. Thankfully, no matter the national nursing job outlook, Chart Review Nurses is always looking to hire qualified nurses.

What Do HEDIS Nurses Do?

At Chart Review Nurses, we help our clients with HEDIS tasks, like chart abstractions. We offer our customers access to our team of certified nurses. Whether you work in-house or remotely is entirely up to the customer, as we customize our programs to meet their specific needs. At Chart Review Nurses, you set your own schedule and will not be tied to 12-hour double shifts that might be seen in a hospital setting. With flexibility that you will not see in regular nursing jobs, maybe Chart Review Nurses is a good fit!

 Ready to Join Chart Review Nurses?

Are you ready to join our team of quality, professional nurses? If so, visit us at to submit an application, or call us at (877) 328-2343. We are always looking to add nurses to our HEDIS Nurses team, and cannot wait to hear from you!