Graduating Soon? Still Looking for a Nursing Job?

Graduating Soon? Still Looking for a Nursing Job?

Graduation is upon you. Congratulations! However, with graduation looming, if you are still looking for a nursing job, it might be time to start looking somewhere a bit more unconventional. Have you ever thought about applying to Chart Review Nurses? At Chart Review Nurses, we work to connect our team of quality nurses with health plan providers needing assistance with HEDIS projects. Tasks can range from big to small, and working for Chart Review Nurses has a number of benefits, including:

  1. Flexible Schedules
  2. You are just leaving nursing school upon graduation and are finally able to pull your nose out of a textbook for the time being. That must seem exhilarating, that and the fact that you won’t have to get up for 8am classes or labs any more, or pull all-nighters studying for an exam. But wait…getting a nursing job is much of the same thing. You can find yourself pull all-nighters because you are stuck on the night shift, or still getting up for 8am shifts that stretch well into the evening. You might think you are free from school, but getting a full-blown nursing job will see you facing much of the same. At Chart Review Nurses, we actually offer flexible schedules. You set the hours you are looking to work and we schedule projects accordingly.

  3. Work from Home Opportunities
  4. How nice would it be to work from the comfort of your own? That could save you hours of time every week commuting, not to mention the gas, cab/bus fare or train ticket it costs to get to your place of employment. Aside from commuting time and cost, that also means you don’t need to spend time getting ready for work because you can simply wear whatever you roll out of bed in. This is also great for those trying to care for a family who are also looking to save on childcare costs. At Chart Review Nurses, we know that working from home can be the preferred method, and we are able to provide that to our team of qualified nurses.

  5. Secure, Steady Job
  6. We get it. You have hordes of student loans. Well, signing up to become a nurse for Chart Review Nurses is one way to secure a job that will let you start paying down those loans. You specify the number of hours you are looking to work, and we strive to accommodate that.  If you are looking to work more hours to generate some extra cash, the opportunity is there.

Join the Chart Review Nurses Team Today!

Applying for a position at Chart Review Nurses is easy to do! Simply visit our website Hedis Nurses and click on the “Contact Us” tab. From there, you can fill out the contact form and submit a copy of your resume. From there, we will review your application, and if interested, get into touch with you to schedule an interview. We look forward to hearing from you and the prospect of you joining our team of qualified nurses!