Why Join HEDISNurses this Thanksgiving

Why Join HEDISNurses this ThanksgivingThanksgiving is just around the corner. What have you been doing to get ready?

Many of us have already negotiated with family members and friends about who’s bringing what for the big traditional Thanksgiving feast. Perhaps you get really into Thanksgiving, and love bringing the traditional green bean casserole, cranberry sauces, and mashed potatoes? Perhaps you love roasting up a big turkey, carefully watching over it all day? Or perhaps you’re in-between jobs without much room to spare in your budget, so you’re just bringing some store-bought rolls or a case of beer?

Quality time at Thanksgiving

Whatever your situation, Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday to spend in the presence of people you truly care about. No matter how much or how little money you may have, all that really matters is coming together to give thanks.

There’s always Room for Gratitude

What do you have to be grateful for this year? No matter how rocky this year has been, there are always things to be grateful for—even if it’s just having a warm place to stay and enough food to eat. Perhaps this year was truly pivotal for you—personally, professionally, spiritually, or in any other way. Maybe you expanded your family, maybe you traveled to a new place, or maybe you just chugged along in your regular routine, but found happiness in simplicity. That works too!

However you feel this Thanksgiving, make room for gratitude, why don’t you? There are so many benefits…

Job searching?

Many Americans across the nation continue to either be unemployed or underemployed, causing them to struggle to make ends meet. But if you’re a certified nurse, there is a way to make money from the comfort of your own home, working for one of the nation’s most important organizations—Chart Review Nurses.

HEDIS stands for Health Effectiveness Data Information Set. The nurses who work for hide spend countless hours collecting, synthesizing, analyzing, and publishing healthcare data from medical facilities across the nation. Each nurse who works for Chart Review Nurses participates in something much bigger than him or herself, but each nurse is a highly valued member of the team.

Results of HEDIS

The data collected by the nurses allows healthcare organizations to take stock of how they are performing, what their patient outcomes are, and in what ways they should improve. It’s essential work that helps the American healthcare system improve each year.

Benefits HEDIS nurses enjoy

What’s great about working for Chart Review Nurses is that you’re part of something that’s so important. Plus it’s so nice to be able to pick your specialties, set your own schedule, and really achieve an ideal work/life balance.

If this sounds like an opportunity that might be a good fit for you, contact Chart Review Nurses by calling (877) 328-2343, emailing info@datafied.com, or by simply submitting your application and resume here.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Chart Review Nurses!